
This page is used to display a brief overview of the platforms, contexts and datastreams of OSIS-Underway.

It is work in progress and will quite likely change over time. If there is a ststistic you would like to see here, please fell free to contact Claas Faber <cfaber[at]geomar[dot]de>.

The data displayed here is updated several times per day, last update was:

2022-06-18 20:13:43

Statistics for platforms

obs_count obs_per_day first_obs last_obs contexts datastreams

Statistics for contexts

obs_count obs_per_day first_obs last_obs platforms datastreams

Statistics for datastreams

obs_count obs_per_day first_obs last_obs platforms contexts

This page was created using Jupyter Notebooks, itables, nbconvert, pandas and requests.

Created by GEOMAR data management group in 2021